About Us
Meet Hank & Family
By the back door of our home our Golden Retriever, Hank goes in and out of every day we have an area filled with different types of Lavender. Every night before bed, Hank rubs his head in the lavender and then goes to bed. He LOVES lavender! He has his nose smelling all of the aromas around the house when I’m making soaps, lavender sugar, different foods, lavender Epsom salts, and he can’t wait to take a lavender dog bath.
When you visit our farm, you’ll be lovingly greeted by Hank! Upon special request, you’ll get to meet Hank’s nephew, Gus, too!

Our Story
My whole life I have loved lavender and the color purple. My mom loved the color purple, her birthstone was amethyst. When she died of ovarian cancer, she left me her favorite amethyst earrings because she said that they would comfort me. She had no idea the beautiful gift that she gave me and how it would be a part of my journey.
My great grandmother had lavender around the front porch of her beautiful farm in North Carolina. She used to say that the lavender kept the bugs away which allowed her and great granddad to sit and have dessert and coffee on the porch each night while watching God’s light show (fire flies). Nanny would cut flowers from her summer garden and make beautiful bouquets and the amazing scents would envelope the room. Today, when I think of her, the smell of gardenias, lavender, and sunflowers make smile and remember the simple things of life.
Fast forward to November 2014. I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, living alone, and scared. When I came home from the hospital, there was a box on my door step. When I opened the box, the aroma of lavender filled my senses… it made me breathe deep and exhale with assurance that all was going to be well. Also, inside of the box, was a beautiful blanket with a note that said, “A blanket to keep you warm, lavender to calm your mind and prayers over both to heal you during your time of need.” This is was when I began to think of how could I use God’s love to help others during their time of need.
In June, 2015 I was blessed to marry my husband. A man of faith, a man who challenges me, a man who listens to my crazy ideas, a man who is has been my biggest cheerleader! He had no idea what would happen next.
Most of my adult life I have managed camp resorts. I loved working with people of all ages. But what I enjoyed most was working with teenagers and young adults. I loved mentoring them to become all that they could be as well as teaching them how to be good employees.
So with all of this said, are you still wondering why a Lavender Farm? My goal is to grow and develop a business that would encompass my love of lavender, flowers, honey, family, friends and faith! Psalm 103:2-3 “Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me. He forgives all of my sins and heals all of my diseases.”
With Love and Lavender,
Cheryl Schnebly, Founder
Our philosophy
Love and Lavender

Our business is family owned and operated with over 30 years in the agriculture industry!
Connect with us!


Private Farm Located in
Greencastle, Pennslyvania